5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Hydrated


Did you know that July is Pet Hydration Awareness Month? During these hot summer months, it is more important than ever to keep your pets hydrated! That’s why we’ve put together a list of 5 ways to keep your pet hydrated and help prevent dehydration!

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“Your dog's body will naturally lose water all day. They lose water as they sweat through their paws and when they pant. And they lose water when they pee and poop. A dog that loses too much water - just 10% to 15% of the water in their body - can get very sick(2)” That said, its important to keep your pet properly hydrated and know the signs that may indicate your pet is dehydrated.

1) Know the signs of dehydration (1)

The first step in knowing how to keep your pet hydrated, is knowing the signs of dehydration in pets. Common signs is pets include:

  1. Vomiting and/or diarrhea

  2. Loss of energy

  3. Excessive panting

  4. Loss of appetite

  5. Sunken, dry eyes

  6. Dry, sticky gums

  7. Loss of skin elasticity

If you think your dog might be dehydrated, take them to the vet right away.

2) Learn exactly the amount of water that your specific pet(s) needs

“Pets should be getting at least one ounce of water for each pound of body weight. Depending on other factors such as the temperature and your pet’s activity levels, your pet may need more water. (1)” You’ll need to watch their intake year round, however they may require more water in the warmer months when they are sweating more.

“To help you keep track of how much water your dog drinks, make a note of how high you fill their water bowl and how far the level has dropped the next day. (2)”

3) Be sure to keep plenty of water available

“There should never be a time where your pet doesn’t have access to fresh water, and no the toilet doesn’t count. If you leave for an extended amount of time, make sure there is plenty of water available(1)” Additionally, make sure you are cleaning your pet’s water bowl daily to ensure it is kept fresh and bacteria does not start to grow.

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4) Bring water on the go

“Heading the park for a day of fetch? Don’t forget a travel bottle! If you are thirsty, chances are your pet is too. Travel water bowls are compact and easy to carry around.(1)” Since it’s easy to become dehydrated while traveling, it’s also important to remember a travel bottle/bowl when on road trips with your pet, and to make frequent stops for water and stretching.

5) Provide a place to cool off

During the summer months, pets will get hot quickly when plying outside! Make sure you pick a place with some shade nearby for them to cool off under to help prevent dehydration. “Whenever you and your dog are playing outdoors, especially when it's hot, bring cool water with you for them to drink. If your dog stays outside on hot days, add ice to the water bowl.(2)”

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