Benefits of Walking Your Dog!


January is Walk Your Pet Month! In this blog we’ll break down the many benefits of walking your dog and why you should prioritize it. Like us humans, we use walking to stay healthy, get exercise, breath some fresh air and as an overall mood booster. Our furry friends benefit from walking just as much as we do. In addition to bathroom breaks, dogs gain many benefits from daily walks outdoors!

Exercise = Healthy Living!

Walking is a great and easy way to exercise your dog, as well as yourself, to keep them healthy! “Remember, too, that a sedentary pooch can quickly become an overweight one, and that brings potential health problems with it. Even if your dog is active inside the home, he or she still needs another outlet for pent-up energy. You’ll benefit from having a well-exercised dog, as tired dogs tend to behave better, and you’ll help your pet avoid unnecessary weight gain (2)!

Walking your dog should become a consistent habit, for you and for them. “According to Dr. Wilson, having a routine is “really comforting to the dog and helps them anticipate what the schedule is.” Dogs are better equipped to regulate their emotions when they know what to expect, so that means taking regular walks around the same time each day(1).”

*Exercise needs are based on your dog's age, breed, size, and overall health, but a good rule of thumb is you should spend at least 30 minutes every day on an activity with your dog. Younger dogs and dogs bred for sports or herding activities may need much more.

Mental & Physical Stimulation

Walking your dog is also great for both mental and physical stimulation! “Like a child, your dog wants to know the world. If he or she is confined to the house for too long, your dog will get bored, and boredom can lead to destructive behavior. Your dog is dependent on you to take them out to explore the sights, smells, and sounds of the world. This is why it’s also good to vary the places you take your pet as dog much as possible. You’ve probably noticed how busy (and excited) your dog gets when he or she is walking, so let them enjoy every opportunity to discover (2)!”

When being stimulated by all the sights and sounds of the outdoors, your dog learns other valuable life tools like socialization and confidence. “While out walking, your pooch is most likely going to meet other dogs. This is a great opportunity to help your dog learn acceptable ways of socially interacting with new animals. It will also help build doggy confidence so your pet will be less afraid to make friends. Walking your dog and exposing him or her to different dogs, people, and situations is a win for everyone(2).”

If you have an anxious dog or are having trouble with leash training, try using Licks ZEN Calming Aid before your walks! Our ZEN formula can help to keep them calmer, more focused, and less anxious when venturing outside. Remember to administer the packet 15-20 minutes prior to the walk on an empty stomach.

Summer Creighton