Does My Pet Have Seasonal Allergies?


For many of us, we know that spring not only brings warmer weather, but it also brings back those pesky seasonal allergies.. What we may not realize is that pets can get seasonal allergies for the same reasons we do! “With animals, it can be challenging to know if the allergy is from pollen or from something else, says Dr. Stewart. “If your pet’s allergies are due to pollen from trees, grasses or weeds, the time of year they’ll crop up also depends on location”(1) Meaning, if your dog or cat begins sneezing and itching around the same times of year when the pollen count is high and the weeds are back, their allergies are likely seasonal. In this blog we’ll list some of the signs and symptoms + how to soothe your pet’s seasonal allergies!

Signs your pet may have seasonal allergies:

  • The most common symptom is Scratching and biting their coat or skin

  • Red, inflamed, or infected skin

  • Excessive shedding

  • Compulsive paw licking in dogs

  • Boot scoots or licking their anal glands

  • Chronic ear infections or red, waxy ears (common for dogs who are prone to ear problems in the first place)

  • Respiratory issues, such as difficulty breathing, coughing, or wheezing (more common in cats) (2)

How to soothe their seasonal allergies:

First and foremost, “The only way to control your pet’s allergies is by having your veterinarian diagnose the underlying cause and then make recommendations on how to avoid the allergen, as well as treat the itch,” says Dr. Stewart. A veterinarian, using tests, can identify the allergen through a process of elimination. (1)

“There is a range of treatment options. Depending on the specifics of your pet’s condition, these might include parasite control, anti-itch shampoos and/or sprays, immunotherapy injections, food trials, or wiping your pet’s paws and coat down after walking outdoors. (1)

Skin and Allergy
from $12.99

Licks line of Skin and Allergy formulas for dogs and cats are a great natural solution to any pet allergies! LICKS® Skin and Allergy products contain high levels of Fish oil, which help to moisturize their skin from the inside out. Fish oil, with the addition of all-natural ingredients such as turmeric helps to maintain normal moisture content for dogs & cats with itchy skin or hot spots; and provides support for animals with sensitive skin or seasonal allergies.

Summer Creighton