How To Properly Fuel Your Active Dog


April is Active Dog Month (AKA Canine Fitness Month)! Do you have a working dog, or an overly active dog who trains with you? It can be hard to tell when dogs will need extra calories and proteins, much like humans do when we are training for an endurance race or fueling for workouts. In this blog we’ll go over how to properly fuel and refuel your active dog to be sure they are getting the nutrients they need!

What qualifies a dog as an athlete?

If you go on regular training runs with your dog by your side, you train your dog for agility competitions, or if you live on a farm with a hearing dog, chances are your dog is an athlete! “It’s similar to human athletes. There are sprinters, acrobats, marathon runners, all with different nutritional considerations. In general, I’d say that if a dog is running continuously for more than 30 minutes, you should probably take a look at its diet, in terms of performance” (1)

How do dogs fuel diferently than humans?

“Humans and dogs fuel exercise very differently. When we run, we start out burning mostly glycogen, which is stored carbohydrates. Dogs don’t, partly because they have more mitochondria in their muscles than we do. Dogs burn fat as their primary endurance fuel, and carbohydrates are not very important for them.” (1)

What supplements are beneficial for active dogs?

Joint Lubricants: Glucosamine and fish oil are key for joint health in all dogs, especially athletes! Adding Licks Joint + Heart to their diet is a great place to start! With key ingredients such as Glucosamine, Omega 3’s and Roasted Chicken, this joint supplement for dogs serves as a key mobility aid for your pet. Check it out form our shop HERE!

Creatine: “For more energy in the tank, creatine is often turned to, the good news is that the amount of creatine is significantly higher in unprocessed feedstuffs than dry foods.” (2)

Protein & Fat: “Vital. Athletic dogs need protein to build and maintain muscle. In general, their diet should consist of at least 25 percent protein, preferably from meat.”(1) An easy solution for this is Licks Athlete formula! This products contains both fat and proteins, and serves as an energy source that helps enhance performance and exercise tolerance, slows muscle fatigue, supports stamina and endurance, improves normal muscle recovery, and maximizes muscle function. Check it out from our shop HERE!

Summer Creighton