New Pet and New Business? 5 Tips for a Successful Launch


Two life-changing events happening at the same time can be challenging. If you’re launching a new business while considering adopting a new pet, there’s a lot to think about. Try Our Best Doggo’s tips for navigating life with your new furry friend while getting your business up and running.

  1. Create a Cozy Pet Area

Having your new pet by your side while you work can be delightful. But just like people, furry friends sometimes need their space. If you work from home all the time, a bit of separation can be a good thing. Chewy recommends setting up a zen space for dogs who need downtime. Other pets may benefit from a comfy, quiet spot away from humans, whether in a cage or kennel. Create a Cozy Pet Area

2. Set a Daily Routine

Setting routines is beneficial for pets and their human caretakers. For newly-adopted pets, establishing daily habits can help them settle in. A daily rhythm can help all types of pets understand when meals are, when humans can play, and when it’s quiet time.

Training can help with routine setting, especially for excitable dogs. The Humane Society recommends positive reinforcement to shape good behaviors in pets.

3. Dial in Your Workday

While a new pet at home is exciting, it can also be a distraction. To stay focused on work tasks during crunch times, keep track of your must-do tasks and prioritize during your most productive times. Research suggests that midday may be the prime productivity window, but listening to your body (and your furry friend) is a must.

4. Spoil Your Pet

The best part of adopting a pet is seeing them thriving and happy. Whether you need essentials like bowls and leashes or goodies like toys and treats, it’s important to read trustworthy reviews. A free resource for pet lovers can give recommendations and smart purchasing tips.

The right gear may save you time and stress. For example, if your pet tends to interrupt work time, consider enrichment toys to keep them busy. Even a cozy bed can encourage naps while you’re busy with business tasks.

Similarly, be sure you have the products needed to keep your pet healthy, safe, and comfortable. Licks Pill-Free Pet Solutions offers calming aids for anxious pets, allergy remedies for those with anxiety, itchy skin, joint and heart support for optimal health, and so much more!

5. Take Breaks Together

As busy as you might be with your new business, brief breaks benefit you and your critter. Research shows that breaks boost creativity and productivity, and spending time doting on your pet is an excellent use of that time.

Being around your pet may ease stress and support mental health, too. With dogs, taking a walk or spending a few minutes outside adds more benefits. If you live in a walkable neighborhood, take your pup on a trek to your local coffee shop when you need a quick break — the exercise and time spent together will do you both good! But even cuddling a small furry friend for a few minutes can improve your day!


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Pet OwnersSummer Creighton