Why Cats and Dogs Make a Great WFH Companion!


Almost all of us have now experienced working form home. For those of us still at home, lets chat about the benefits of having a pet while doing! From exercise to mental health, there are many reasons having a pet can make working from home more beneficial.

Physical Health

Having a dog means taking walks! With a dog at home, you are forced to take breaks that include going for a walk outside. Walks are a great way to give your brain a break while burning some extra calories!

“With office work often being a sedentary position, location-independent flexibility offers a much-needed work/life balance that has allowed many to experience more physical activity, more fresh air, and more sunlight–all factors that contribute significantly to our physical and mental health.” (1)

Increased Productivity

“Many pet owners have to rush home sometimes, so they can spend more time with their pets. This isn’t good in terms of productivity because not only can’t they focus on work, they might have to cut their work short just to come home early.

Managing this while working from is easy. If your pet needs you, you can simply get up and go. No more sacrificing productivity just to be with your pet. Now you can spend 5-10 minutes taking a break and spend time with your pet or let your pet be inside your home office.” (2)

Mental Health

“For many, 2020 and 2021 have been some of the hardest years collectively experienced, with stress consistently at elevated levels, due both to changes in the way we work and to uncertainties in the world around us. For pet parents, having a furry friend to brave the storm with has made a world of difference in combating stress and staying productive with their workload.

When asked what other benefits their dog’s companionship offered during working hours, pet parents provided a variety of responses, with ‘my dog makes me happy’ and ‘my dog helps me to stay calm’ resonating with more than half of survey respondents.”(1)

Savings on Animal Care

“A lot of people have to rely on dog groomers or walkers, simply because they don’t have the time to do groom and walk their pets. The costs for grooming and walking your pets will add up over time and better be spent somewhere else.

People who work from home actually save up a lot of money by taking care of their pets themselves. As mentioned above, all the extra time you get from working from home can be used to take extra care of your pet.” (2)

Summer Creighton